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Ekleyen Hacı Ali Küçükakın Ekleme Tarihi Jul 9, 2023
Kategori - Akademik
Asst. Prof. Dr. Hakan TERZİOĞLU TABLET Kitabevi 2022
Sutis Prof. Dr. Şakir TAŞDEMİR
Prof. Dr. Süleyman NEŞELİ 142 English Türkiye
In order to prove the accuracy of the developed system, a realistic simulator, PLEXE, was used and a comprehensive analysis was carried out. Lyapunov-Krasovskii theory is used to prove the stability of the closed-loop control system.

Petrillo et al. In their study, they developed an adaptive control system for networks of autonomously connected vehicles that act as a team formation. Wireless communication networks in cooperative driving systems pose a great risk as they contain various security vulnerabilities. The control system developed to eliminate or minimize this risk is planned to provide both security and flexible ease of use to these networks. For this purpose, the security problem of a maraba convoy moving along a single lane against different cyber threats has been addressed and resolved. In the proposed collaborative control approach, an adaptive control method has been developed to reduce malicious cyber accesses by utilizing an adaptive control algorithm. In order to prove the accuracy of the developed system, a realistic simulator, PLEXE, was used and a comprehensive analysis was carried out. Lyapunov-Krasovskii theory is used to prove the stability of the closed-loop control system.

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